Wednesday, July 8, 2015

10 Popular Online Guitar Gurus Who Make Learning The Instrument A Blast - part II

continuing ...

Nate Savage

Nate started playing the guitar at the age of 13 and was hooked right away. Since then, he has been fortunate enough to make a living doing what he loves - touring the world as a professional guitarist and teaching the guitar to students around the world.
At the age of 34, Nate has become one of the most popular guitar instructors in the world. At last count, 71,274 students from around the world are subscribed to his online lesson updates, and his video have been viewed over 8 million times over the past four years alone. Even still, Nate remains humble and focused on helping his students achieve their unique goals on the guitar.
"There is no better feeling than hearing from a student who was able to achieve something they thought was impossible", says Nate, "it motivates me to find new and more effective ways to help them become great musicians - and it gives me purpose every single day".

Justin Sandercoe

Justin Sandercoe, born in 1974, is a guitarist, songwriter, performer, producer and educator who grew up in Tasmania and who has been based in London, England since 1996.
Sandercoe's official website,, was first launched on 31 July 2003 offering lessons as a sample to promote private one on one lessons. The site developed a modest following but once he began making instructional guitar videos for YouTube in December 2006, the site became one of the most popular guitar instruction web sites. By 2012 there are over 550 free lessons enjoyed by over 20,000 unique visitors a day from all around the world.
His videos on YouTube clocked up 100 million views in August 2011 and he has been a YouTube partner since 2008.
The site runs on voluntary donations and purchases of products from the store from users and there are no fees for membership.
Justin was named as one of the UK's Top 10 YouTube Celebrities on The Telegraph Newspaper and The Independent newspaper called him "one of the most influential guitar teachers in history"
 and he has received accolades from guitar legends Brian May [4] and Steve Vai.

Assaf Levavy

Music is about more than just practicing dry exercises. It’s about playing around with every lick you learn, improvising on it, making mistakes, learning from those mistakes, and ultimately – Creating your own interpretations of everything you play.

Assaf Levavy started his own website known as in the year 2011 with a vision to provide a platform to all budding guitarists to learn more about the nuances of a guitar.

Neil Hogan
Neil Hogan was born in 1956 in Southern California. He has his own website called Founded in 2008, Totally Guitars addresses the aspects of acoustic guitar playing, emphasising on finger picking.

Steve Luciano

Steve originally hails from New Haven, CT, where he studied guitar with legendary teacher Joe Tinari. Over the years, Steve has performed with numerous jazz musicians like Charles Erland,George Morrow, Joe Morello, Dary Gutteb and many more. His guitar lessons are a must for any aspiring guitarist!.
Steve was the staff musician for Walt Disney World for more than 15 years and currently is the guitarist for Larry Elgart Orchestra.

You can learn how to play songs, how to play fancy scales, and much more. The trouble is, there just aren't many GOOD guitar lessons available to someone looking to start playing guitar.
These guitar lessons from renowned instructors are designed for people who own (or have borrowed) a guitar, but don't yet know the first thing about playing it.pick up the guitar and give it a try ..

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